Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f2.8 FujiFilm Reala 100 Arista C-41 Kit - I approached the shot from my last post
Missed. exposure no. 10, in a number of different ways, both Black and White Film and Color film. Though I chose a black and white as my favorite of the series, the color roll yielded some interesting results....
Exposure no. 3 - No filter tungsten front lighting and daylight back lighting...
Exposure no. 4 - An Ambico Tobacco Gradiant filter, tungsten front lighting and daylight back lighting...
Exposure no. 9 - An Ambico Sepia Filter, tungsten front lighting and daylight back lighting...
Exposure no. 12 - Lens Arsat 150mm f2.0 with a 20mm extension tube, tungsten front lighting and daylight back lighting...