Monday, June 16, 2014

An Awwwwww Moment...

Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f2.8 Foma Fomapan 400 Adox Adonal 1:25 - Three of the neighborhood feral cats using a lawn chair to escape the mid day sun. One adult and two kittens showing the softer side of cat life.

Scanned with an Epson V500 Photo using Epson's OEM software.

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Hen of Chicks...

Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f2.8 40mm extension tube Foma Fomapan 400 Adox Adonal 1:25 - A just watered Hen an Chicks plant basking in the mid-day sun. My first experience using Adox Adonal (Rodinal) at 1:25 dilution. Sharpness is great and grain is better than expected. I love the magnifying effect of the water droplets.

Scanned with an Epson V500 Photo using Epson’s OEM Software.

Thursday, June 5, 2014

Lomo'Instant Camera on Kickstarter

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Here is a great KickStarter Project from the Lomography Society, a NEW INTANT CAMERA! Check out the links for details, but features like manual exposure control, add on lenses and long exposure capability , make this and interesting competitor to the great instant cameras Fujifilm is currently producing.
Lomo'Instant Camera on Kickstarter

Ilford posts a step by step film processing guide for beginners

Ilford has posted a new guide to black and white film processing for beginners. It is, of course, built around the using their products, but the PDF is very detailed and a great way to get you film wet with processing. Click on the links above to download the PDF.

Monday, June 2, 2014

Impossible Project - Instant Imperfection

Polaroid Macro 5 SLR Instant Camera Impossible Project Coloring Instant Print Film - Four shots from a recent pack of Impossible Project instant film. Though none of them achieved the intended image, I thought they were interesting enough to share....

Cactus Flower Blow Out
Fuzzy Rose
Mal-Focused Maple
Dark Black Widow

Sunday, June 1, 2014

Instant Fiesta...

Polaroid Macro 5 SLR Impossible Project Instant Color Print Film for Spectra Cameras - Just some more instant film fun, the Macro 5 SLR has incredible macro abilities and the twin built in flashes give great even illumination. The color rendition of the Impossible Project film is always interesting, even if hard to predict at times, but then again this has always been true of integral type instant films.

Scanned with a HP G4050 Scanner using HP's OEM software.