Friday, May 31, 2013

Waiting to emerge....

Kiev 60 Arsat Mir 45mm f3.5 20mm extension Tube Fujifilm Pro 400H Arista C41 - Waiting to emerge to join the invaders. Surprisingly the the expected din of this noisy army has not yet reached Lynchburg, being inland and at a higher elevation than coast, I am sure it will come later.
Scanned with an Epson Perfect V500 Photo using Epson OEM Software.

Wednesday, May 29, 2013


Kiev 60 Arsat 45mm f3.5 20mm extension tube Fujifilm Pro 400H Arista C-41 - Every suburban lawn manicurists nightmare, a weed with an airborne delivery system. Hundreds of parachute equipment weed babies waiting to take to the wind. That said, these dreaded lawn demons are very photogenic.
Scanned with an Epson Perfection V500 Photo using Epson's OEM software.

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

The Invasion Continues.....

Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f2.8 20mm extension tube FujiFilm Pro 400H Arista C41 - Another cicada shot, this negative was roughly 1 to 1.5 stops under exposed, so I am very pleased with the scan quality. FujiFilm's Pro 400H has outstanding latitude. I love the tones and lighting of this image, courtesy of the diffused light of a rainy day.
Scanned with an Epson V500 using Epson's OEM software.

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

2013 - The Invasion Begins....!!!!

Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f2.8 20mm extension tube FujiFilm Pro 400H Arista C41 - 2013 is supposed the be a peak year for the 17 year cicadas in Virginia, an event the media has dubbed "Swarmageddon." This may be one of the early scouts of the invasion. I did not have to go far to find him, there were several hanging out on my back porch.
Scanned with and Epson V500 Scanner using Epson's OEM software.

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Around the House....

Kiev 60 Arsat 80mm f2.8 20mm extension tube FujiFilm Pro 400H Arista C41 - I just like the way the diffused light of a raining day illuminated this candle on the window sill. As always FujiFilm's Pro 400H did a beautiful job rendering the tones of the scene.
Scanned with an Epson Perfection V500 Photo using Epson OEM Software

Monday, May 6, 2013

An Odd Growth

Nikon FE2 Nikkor 35-105mm f3.5/4.5 ORWO UN54 Adox Adonal 1:50 - An abstract of sorts, this one is all about textures and lines for me. I love the way UN54 rendered the tones.
Scanned using a Minolta Scan Dual III using Silverfast SE Plus 6.6.2r5.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

Nature's Graffiti

Nikon FE2 Nikkor 35-105mm f3.5/4.5 ORWO UN54 Adox Adonal 1:50 - Nature is slowing writing her own message on this wall... She always gets that last word...
Scanned using a Minolta Scan Dual III using Silverfast SE Plus 6.6.2r5.

Saturday, May 4, 2013

Vintage Building Signs - Downtown Lynchburg Virginia

Nikon FE2 Various Nikkor Lenses ORWO UN54 Adox Adonal 1:50 - Various examples of the painted building signs that are very common in downtown Lynchburg. Some are Original, some are restored, others are new painted to advertise new businesses in old buildings.
Scanned using a Minolta Scan Dual III using Silverfast SE Plus 6.6.2r5.

Friday, May 3, 2013

Stairway to.....

Nikon FE2 Nikkor 35-105mm f3.5/4.5 ORWO UN54 Adox Adonal 1:50 - Just a nice mix of tones and textures.
Scanned using a Minolta Scan Dual III using Silverfast SE Plus 6.6.2r5.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Craddock Terry Hotel - Lynchburg Virginia

Nikon FE2 Nikkor 35-105mm f3.5/4.5 AIS ORWO UN54 Adox Adonal 1:50 - Located in a renovated shoe factory, The Craddock Terry Hotel is appropriately adorned with two massive red shoes. This image shows the shoe mounted above the front entrance. There is a matching shoe mounted on the rear of the tower.
Scanned using a Minolta Scan Dual III using Silverfast SE Plus 6.6.2r5.

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Vintage Sign - AAA Auto Club of Virginia

Nikon FE2 Nikkor 50mm f1.4 ORWO UN54 Adox Adonal 1:50 - Found on the corner of Main St. and 13th St. in downtown Lynchburg VA, this sign hangs in the window of the restored Hill Buggy & Wagon Co. Building. Downtown Lynchburg is a great place to just walk and see what images present themselves. ORWO UN54 is an ISO 100 Speed movie film, manufactured in Wolfen Germany. UN54 has similar characteristics to Kodak Plus-X and develops well in Adox Adonal (Rodinal).
Scanned using a Minolta Scan Dual III using Silverfast SE Plus 6.6.2r5.